K-5 Virtual Students/Parents Login Information for Exact Path Assessment Go to the Login page and enter student’s username/password This takes you to your “My Dashboard” page (You may find the Exact Path Mat and Exact Path Reading options below) If not, go to the Message Center tab on the left and click on the “In Box” tab There you will find your emails You should have one that says “Welcome to EdOptions Academy Course Then you will find the Exact Path courses Please note, if you try one (math for example) and it logs you out, don’t worry Try the other course, it will get you in Both courses can be found on either one Once there, pick which course you wish to start with and begin. I hope this helps. Please call if you need assistance.
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
MS/HS Virtual School students and parents. Our counselors are wrapping up your enrollment into the courses, which should be finished today. You will receive and email later today, tonight, or at the latest tomorrow morning that says you are enrolled . From there, you can log in and get started. If you need direct help, we will be placing an information document with office hours on the SVCS website under the Virtual School link.
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
Elementary Virtual School students and parents...you should expect later today, tonight or in the morning that you have been enrolled in Exact Path. Even if you do not receive an email telling you about the enrollment you should login in by tomorrow morning and the courses should be in there. The Exact Path assessments do start at a high level, but the assessment quickly reduces down to the elementary level. This is to find the true gaps in the student's math and reading levels. If they find a question too difficult, just move on to the next question. You should only work on it for 20 -30 minutes at a time, take a break and then come back to it. I would encourage the parents to be with the child but not help them with the questions, we want to find their gaps, if any. We want parents to encourage the students, especially the young ones, who might get worried over the questions that are too hard. This not for a grade so they don’t need to worry, just do their best. We have placed a Parent Guide for this on our website in the Virtual School link.
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
A big THANK YOU to our Clinton @McDonalds for treating our staff to a free McCafe beverage on the first day of school! 🖤💛☕️🥤#BacktoSchool2020
over 4 years ago, Jenny Fossi
Clinton McDonalds
Good morning and welcome back! Please be assured your children will be taken care of as they return to school. Remember to have them "Mask UP". There will be reusable cloth masks for all students at all schools schould they need one.
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
Virtual School application window has been re-opened for families wanting the virtual option. The window will remain open until 11:59 pm Sunday. SVVS will begin Wed. 8/12. More details to come. Application can be found on the SVCS website.
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
SVCS School Board Special Meeting Live on Youtube at 11am 8.5.20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwfOheHlrWM
over 4 years ago, Jenny Fossi
Freshman Orientation scheduled for tomorrow, 8/5, has been postponed until further notice. As soon as a new date is scheduled, we will let you know. Thank you and we apologize for such late notice.
over 4 years ago, Jenny Fossi
Orientation Postponed
Emergency Sch. Bd. Mtg. Wednesday @ 11:00 related to COVID-19 and SV Schools. View on SVCS YouTube Channel.
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
Looking out for our people!
over 4 years ago, Melanie Beaver
SV Dress Code Amendment
Parents, Students, and Staff, Please conduct this easy, 3-part self-assessment each morning to determine if you should go to work or school. We all play a role in reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19 in our school community.
over 4 years ago, Melanie Beaver
SV Self-Assessment Guide
SVHS Boys Tennis will start Monday, August 3, 6:30 PM, at the tennis courts.
over 4 years ago, Jenny Fossi
Vermillion County Health Department vaccination clinic Monday, August 3 from 0900-1200. Please call 765-832-3622 to make an appointment.
over 4 years ago, Hannah Hoover
And...for those who need them...we have face shields too! We want our students and staff to have what they need to feel safe!!
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
We have cloth masks!!! Every student will receive a reusable cloth mask for school. More details will come regarding distribution.
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman
6th Grade Orientation
over 4 years ago, Angie Harris
Reminder - Centralized Registration tomorrow 10-6 at SVMS(masks required, 1 parent, no children). All families, virtual and attending school in person, must complete online registration.
over 4 years ago, Jenny Fossi
SVHS Fall Sports Schedules - Until we are able to get our athletic events entered into our new website, here is a link to the fall sports schedule. https://5il.co/io9z
over 4 years ago, Jenny Fossi
It was brought to my attention, papers w/ the bus #, driver, and ESTIMATED time for your students are incorrect due to human error on my part. MS/HS times should be 30 min. later for dismissal.
over 4 years ago, Michele Bogetto
Our apologies...there was a typo in the previous notification. Please see the updated attachment: https://5il.co/in1q
over 4 years ago, Dave Chapman