"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." - Frederick Douglass
A sincere thank you to every single member of our school community who has played a role in the literacy development of our students.
about 19 hours ago, Melanie Beaver
Another thank you to everyone who made yesterday's PTO event, Donuts with Grownups, a success. We were so happy to see all of our Viking grandparents and grownups! Thanks again to Elle-J Trucking and Clinton McDonald's for their donations.
about 21 hours ago, Marian Adams
Mark your calendar now for Friday, Sept. 20th when Van Duyn will join other SV schools for a Hat Day to "Tackle Childhood Cancer" for the PS We Love You Fund. Students may bring $1 to wear their favorite hat to school.
about 21 hours ago, Marian Adams
We will never forget - September 11, 2001.
1 day ago, Marian Adams
August Viking Vibes winners. These students were chosen for showing Respect. Respect is seeing value in all people and things and treating them with care.
Pictured left to right, Charlotte Zamani, kindergarten; Kya Stevenson, first grade; Noah Karanovich, fourth grade; Oliver Smith, third grade; and Emma Fyfe, second grade.
1 day ago, Marian Adams
Tonight is our 4th grade McNight at the Clinton McDonalds! Come by from 5:00 - 7:00 to support our classes!
2 days ago, Marian Adams
PTO mum pickup is tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept. 10) from 3:00-5:00 PM outside the main entrance at Van Duyn. There is also a PTO meeting at 5:00 PM in the STEM Lab at the school.
4 days ago, Marian Adams
Don't forget that the PTO's Donuts with Grownups is TOMORROW (Tues, 9/10) from 7:45 to 8:30 AM.
4 days ago, Marian Adams
Events for this week.
5 days ago, Marian Adams
Don't forget that students may bring $1 to wear pajamas tomorrow!
8 days ago, Marian Adams
Don't forget about the McNight for our 4th grade classes. It's coming up next Tuesday, Sept. 10th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. You can pick up your mums at Van Duyn from the PTO fundraiser from 3:00 to 5:00 and then head to McDonald's to support our students in 4th grade!
7 days ago, Marian Adams
We're having a pajama day on Friday!
9 days ago, Marian Adams
Labor Day ~ No School!
11 days ago, Marian Adams
Events for this week.
12 days ago, Marian Adams
September Breakfast and Lunch Menus - These were sent home on Thurs., Aug. 29th.
12 days ago, Marian Adams
September 2024 Newsletter - Please read, as we always cover LOTS of information and important dates! These were sent home on Thurs., Aug. 29th.
14 days ago, Marian Adams
PTO Donuts with Grownups forms are due tomorrow!
15 days ago, Marian Adams
Don't forget to wear red, white, and green tomorrow to celebrate the start of the Little Italy Festival in Clinton.
15 days ago, Marian Adams
Parents of students that have been contacted regarding vaccination status: Remember, the school nurse must have proof of appointment before Wednesday 09/04/24 to avoid exclusion from school.
15 days ago, Hannah Hoover
Two-Hour Delay TODAY for professional development!
16 days ago, Marian Adams