Wednesday, November 13 is World Kindness Day. Students and staff are asked to wear a cardigan that day.
about 18 hours ago, Marian Adams
Our Van Duyn Vikings put on a fabulous Veteran's Day program under the direction of Miss Godwin. Thank you to all you attended!
1 day ago, Marian Adams
The Veteran's Program is tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. Doors will be opened at 8:30 for guests. Students are asked to wear red, white and blue to show our support and to honor our veterans.
3 days ago, Marian Adams
***Basketball practice is CANCELLED for today for 4th grade boys.***
3 days ago, Marian Adams
Don't forget about our Veteran's Day program this Thursday, Nov. 7th at 9:00 AM in the gym!
4 days ago, Marian Adams
Vets day
***Our sign-in/out kiosk is up and running again. Please bring your ID to scan when you enter our building.***
5 days ago, Marian Adams
LAST CALL FOR FUNDRAISER MONEY! If you did not turn in your Paragon Fundraiser Money on Friday, Nov. 1st, please send it tomorrow morning with your student.
6 days ago, Marian Adams
Events for this week.
6 days ago, Marian Adams
Don't forget the time change! Fall Back! Set your clock back one hour!
6 days ago, Marian Adams
Paragon fundraiser money is due TODAY!
8 days ago, Marian Adams
Paragon fundraiser money is due tomorrow, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st!
9 days ago, Marian Adams
fund money
Princess vs. Super Hero day tomorrow for Red Ribbon Week!
9 days ago, Marian Adams
Prin Day
November Newsletter. Paper copies sent home 10/31.
9 days ago, Marian Adams
new p 1
news p2
You are invited to our Veteran's Day Program one week from today (Nov. 7th) in the gym at 9:00 AM!
9 days ago, Marian Adams
Vets day
November Breakfast and Lunch Menus. Paper copies sent home on 10/31.
9 days ago, Marian Adams
Nov BK
Nov Lu
Dress as any movie or book character tomorrow!
10 days ago, Marian Adams
Elementary Parents - Let's help our kids stay healthy this winter! Talking about and practicing the small things may have a big impact this flu season.
10 days ago, Hannah Hoover
Let's Fight Flu Season Together
Dress your best tomorrow!
11 days ago, Marian Adams
Today was "Dress Like a Disney Character Day" for Red Ribbon Week. Mrs. Kesler dressed as Cruella de Vil, and many staff members dressed as her 101 Dalmatians.
11 days ago, Marian Adams
VD staff dal
Tomorrow is a two-hour delay. School will not begin until 10:00 AM. Your child's bus will arrive 2 hours later than normal and our doors will open at 9:30 AM.
11 days ago, Marian Adams
2 hr