Kindergarten Enrollment

Do you have a child that will be enrolling in Kindergarten for the upcoming year? Click on the image above to learn more about registration. Use the image below to begin the process of online enrollment.

Registration Form for Kindergarten

New Student Enrollment

  • For incoming Kindergarten students, use the link above to go to the online enrollment page.

  • If you already have other children at South Vermillion, you can login to your Harmony Family account and add a new enrollment (under Manage Account).

  • If you've never had a child enrolled at SV, you will need to create a new Harmony account.

  • Help documents and videos are below that will walk you through the steps to create a new account and also enroll a new Kindergarten student.

Re-Enrolling Students

If your child has previously attended any South Vermillion school, your child's school will need to re-enroll your child. Once enrolled, you can then go online and complete registration or attend Back to School Registration.

Returning Students

If you were enrolled at SV at the end of last year and are returning, complete paperwork in Harmony by clicking on the image above to login to Harmony Family Access. Parents may also attend Back to School Registration in August (date/time to be announced) if assistance is needed.

Registration Help

  • Click on the image above if you need assistance with online enrollment or back to school registration. 

  • If you need Harmony login assistance, you can contact your child's school or SV Tech Support at 765-832-5300 or email [email protected] (include the school your child attends).


  • If you know your username, but not your password, click "forgot password", enter username and email and a temporary password will be emailed to you. You can change this password under "Manage Account" once you login. 

  • If you don't know your username or email, use the contact info below for assistance. 

  • If you don't have an account and need a encode, use the contact info below

  • Please be sure to include which school your child attends when requesting help. 

Transformation Information

  • Click on the image above to go to the Transportation Department's website. 

  • Use our E-Link website to lookup an address to check bus stop times. 

  • For questions, please contact our Transportation Director, Michele Bogetto at 832-2426 ext 2035 or via email at [email protected].

Student Tranfers

Please look at the documents at the bottom of this page for the Documents link to access the  "Elementary Transfer Request for SV Students" and the "Non-Resident Transfer Request Form".

Back to School Documents

School Contact Information





Central Elementary

Ryan Jenkins

Becky Haltom


Van Duyn Elementary

Kim Kesler

Marian Adams


South Vermillion Middle School

Kristin Crabtree

Traci Natalie


South Vermillion High School

Kara Skinner

Sara Shannon



Jenny Fossi
